Sunday Evening, November 25th, 2018

It is late in the evening now and before I retire for the night I wanted to write in my blog tonight.  I have been sitting here thinking back on all the people that I have met in my life and what they have brought into my life by way of friendships.

I try to cherish my friendships with those that I have grown to know over the many years.  Some of the people who I have had the pleasure of meeting have come and gone now.  Some have passed away and others have moved away to follow new careers and start new lives in other cities.

I have been friends with Jerry for over 40 some years now and we still talk on the phone as we no longer live in the same state.  We share many memories of the past and also keep each other up to date on what is going on in our lives at the present.  I enjoy talking to him and hearing how his children and grandchildren are doing.  I share as much news with him about my family as he does with me about his.

I imagine we will always remain close friends.  At one time he asked me to marry him but I told him I was not ready to settle down again.  I now regret that decision as I am alone and he has a wonderful wife and children and many grandchildren now.  I am happy for him though.  He is a wonderful man.

On to other subjects that I want to talk about tonight.  The world seems to be changing and not for the better economy wise.  I thought with the new Presidential administration that we would see many changes to improve our country taking place but it seems that there is more unemployment and higher taxes for the working families and a much higher increase in violence now.

I wonder if we will ever have a government that will try to get changes made for all of us to have better paying jobs and more affordable housing and much better health care and health care for those people who are struggling to live from paycheck to paycheck week after week.

I also wonder if the President can find some way to help the homeless people find a way to get homes and jobs so they can get off of the streets and live the way they are supposed to be living again.  These are all topics that I think about every day as I am sure that we all do.

I know that we are all looking forward to getting ready for Christmas now that Thanksgiving has come and gone again for another year.

I spent most of this day cleaning out closets and trying to find all of my decorations for my Christmas tree this year.  I haven’t found all of them yet so I must have them in my storage space here where I live.

My son and daughter-in-law already have their home decorated for the Christmas holidays and their tree is so lovely.  They always put the tree up right after Thanksgiving Day is over.  I have a close friend who does this also as they say they want to get started decorating as early as possible for Christmas.

I like to wait until the last week before Christmas then put up my tree and trim it and then finish off the next day by decorating the rest of my house.  Putting up the tree and trimming it with all the decorations I have gathered over the years is quite a chore for me as I live alone and do not have anybody to help me.  The tree itself is a 7 foot pre-lit one and it is quite heavy for me to try to get it out of the long box that holds it.  But I manage in the end and am quite happy once I get it up and have it standing straight and it isn’t leaning over ready to fall.

So now that I have written another blog page tonight I am going to quit for now and go get some much needed sleep.  Until then keep blogging everybody and I will see you soon, God Bless!


Sunday November 25th 2018

It is early Sunday morning and I have had my granddaughter with me since Thanksgiving Day.  We have been having a wonderful weekend here at my house and she will be going home later today.

I spent Thanksgiving Day at their house this year and had the most awesome time while visiting with everyone.  My daughter-in-law, Amy and I after the fantastic meal that we all shared together left around 4:30 in the afternoon to hit the amazing huge Black Fiday sale at Walmart Super Center in Springfield Tennessee.

It was crowded as usual as it always is with excited shoppers looking for those great bargains that they could snatch up at such low prices that they were crowding the aisles in every direction.

Amy and I slowly made our way through the throngs of over-eager shoppers and started our own hunts for the items that we found in the pre-sale ads that we had browsed through earlier that day while waiting to eat.

Although we found ourselves waiting for what seemed like hours until we could move inch by inch pass the people in the aisles and going down long lines through each and every aisle in Walmart we finally found all the items on the list except the Voyager 7″ inch tablet that Amy had wanted to buy.  It was sold out probably at the start of the sale when the doors opened at 6 a.m.

After being in the store for 6 hours total our feet were starting to “bark” as in really getting blisters and sore from all that walking around we decided to hit the check-out lane and go back home and rest for awhile before I had to leave to go back home.

After getting back home and realizing just how late it was Amy and Gary asked me to stay the night but I wanted to get back to my home which was an hour’s drive from their house.Therefore my granddaugher packed her overnight bag with clothing and what she wanted to bring with her for the several days she would be with me for the weekend.

This weekend she and I have been having fun and just being lazy but then who doesn’t deserve some lazy time during the holiday weekend?  I don’t know about all of you out there but I know I sure do.

But then now that Thanksgiving is over and all the family has returned to their respective homes far and wide we all are getting ready for the next big holiday that is coming and before we know it Christmas will be here quickly followed by the ending of 2018 and the ringing in of 2019!

Wow! This year has flown by quickly hasn’t it.  Just a few more weeks and we will all be saying “Goodby 2018! ” and “Hello 2019!”

Until I write again, Keep Blogging everybody and God Bless, see you soon.










I have begun a new hobby.  I wanted to find a part time job working from home just to fill up some time in my day.  I found several places online while surfing one day a couple of months ago and signed up just to see what this kind of work at home position entailed.

Well I signed up with several of these kind of websites offering this kind of work at home job.  After taking the time to complete each sign up process I started recieving invitations from these websites to take part in testing websites for their clients and providing useful feedback of their prototype designs.

I found it enjoyable and in the process was making some extra money.  These websites offer a payment of $10 for each test that you complete while giving your honest opinion about what you see and how the website navigates, easy or difficult.

At least I now have a part-time work at home job or just a fun hobby to fill the time until my granddaughter comes to stay with me.  I never do this while she is with me as I do not get to spend that much time with her as she lives quite a distance from me but not out of state.

I get her for a few weeks during the summer school vacation and we have lots of fun when she is here with me. I am going to post the link and info on the bottom of my page on my blog site here for anyone who is interested in finding a website that offers this kind of fun job to do at home.

Beautiful Monday Morning!

Here it is, the most beautiful Monday morning I have experienced in a long time this summer.  With the sweltering heat wave that many of the states have been enduring these past few months it is no wonder that I have finally ventured out of my cool air-conditioned home to sit on the front porch and observe the daily activities in the neighborhood.

If you are like me and do not enjoy the excesive heat of the summer months and like to stay inside just browsing through websites and reading and watching television off and on and occasionally going out to do the grocery shopping and pay bills, unless you pay bills online, which I do not for the reason I don’t feel safe doing so, then I usually wait for a break in the heat and then venture outside for short periods of time.

I am not an active person anymore at my age now, although I am not ancient  as I like to tell my little grandaughter from time to time, but I do try to get out and walk about the yard and up and down the drive.  That alone helps me to keep moving and to talk to my neighbors and keep up to date on what is happening in our small community.

I do apologize for not posting anything on my blog site but I have been so busy trying to read so many new blog sites and to follow as many of you as I can.  I don’t know if anybody is still reading me or following me but probably not since I am sure that many people don’t get viewers if they do not post on a daily basis as so many other people do.

I love what I am reading on the websites that I am following.  Love to do this on a daily basis as I just don’t like getting out to go to the library to get a book or 2.  I just find it so convienent to follow blogs everyday.

They make for so much interesting reading.  I am going to be doing that as soon as I finish up my page here. I am still having trouble finding how to put pictures up on my page but I am going to keep trying until I get it right.  After all a person can make so many mistakes trying to do something but if they keep at it they finally accomplish what they set out to do so maybe I can finally master the technique of getting my pictures onto my blog page successfully before to long.

Maybe before I turn 90 years young anyway.  I will close for now and start checking out more blog sites and follow more of you.  Until then keep blogging and take care.


See you later,





MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016

It is early Monday morning and I am still awake.  Have no idea what is keeping me up all hours of the night and this has been going on for the last 2 weeks now.

I do not often stay up late unless it is to browse the internet and read the news articles and to follow the word press sites of other writers.

The weather has been rather wet lately and I hope that it starts to improve before long.  I don’t like to stay inside to much during the spring and the summer months.  I like to be out of doors as I am sure that many of you do.

I have been following the presidential running candidates lately and think that Hillary Clinton may become our next President.  She seems to have the right platform at this time such as Health Care Reform and raising the mininum wage for workers across the United States and trying to keep our jobs here instead of moving them overseas to other countries.

I don’t know how other peope feel about her promises that she says she will make happen when and if she gets elected President.  Trump on the other hand is beginning to look like a nightmare in the making and I am beginning to hope that he does not get elected.

If we have to rely on Hillary Clinton to become our next President will she be able to get the Congress and the Senate to work with her and make all those promises that she is reiterating in her campaign speeches become a realitity for all of us Americans.

Is she going to have her husband the former President of the United States behind her telling her how to do the job.  I have no idea what to think about all her promises and the ones that Bernie Sanders is making doesn’t look all that promising for all of us either.

I just hope that the one I vote for will be a good President and work for all of us and not just certain individuals.  That we are all supposed to be deemed equal and treated so justly.Well, however it goes may the best candidate win and do a great job of trying to repair this country and get our debt under control.

President Obama will be leaving the White House next year and leaving the mess behind that he couldn’t fix to someone else to take care of.  Who ever that person may be I wish them all the best of luck in the endeavor to straighten this country of ours out.

Until the next time I write on my blog page keep blogging everyone and I will try to keep following all the bloggers that I have been reading.

See you later and keep blogging,




MARCH 7, 2016

I have been reading the news items I saw on my blog reader page and find many of them very interesting.  However, I think the one about Hillary Clinton supporting Obama’s use of military strikes in the overseas war in Afganastan and Iran not new.

I feel that we should elect a President who will bring all of our troops home and let these countries who are in conflict fight it out with each other on their own.  Hasn’t the United States sacraficed enough young lives in all of the wars that we have undertaken in other countries to bring world peace to.  It doesn’t look like that there will ever be world peace in this time.

We as a country should focus on our own United States and the impoverished circumstances of our own people who live here.  Why are we bringing other people over here from other countries.  We can’t seem to feed the homeless or put them in safe places already without the added burden of our government bringing more over here for us to try to help when it is evidently clear to me that we can’t take care of our own or our government leaders are spending money on themselves instead of putting the funding to the specific uses it was intended for in the first place.

I don’t know if anybody agrees with me about what I have just stated about our country not helping our own.  Can’t any President and any government body, the Senate and the Congress get together on this and do something to stop the suffering of the homeless and end the wars overseas.

I guess I am just ranting on my blog about the government and its lack of caring about people in general but on another note I hope that everybody has had a good day so far.

I am still reading the blog sites that I am following and hope that you are following my site also.  Until I blog again everybody stay safe, happy and healthy and keep blogging.

See you soon,


The Last Day Of February!!!

Thank goodness it is the last day of  February.  I am so happy to know that tomorrow is the first day of March and that in just a few weeks or even days warmer weather will be with us once again.

The winter months here in the state where I live have not been very cold for a winter season.  I am much relieved of that fact because my heating bills have been very low for this season.  When it is warm during our winter months down here we tend to save money on heating bills and that is a plus for many Tennesseans living in the South.

I have no complaints at this time and I doubt if I will have any when it becomes Spring then fast turns into Summer for us.  I know that there will be many rainy days ahead but then isn’t it always like that when Winter is over and the new Spring season arrives.

Spring Break will be approaching for my little granddaughter and other children who are going to school.  I am sure that the college students are looking for a much needed break during their school year.

I haven’t any plans yet as to what I will be doing as soon as it starts getting warmer outside other than sitting on the front porch with the newspaper or a good book and a cup of coffee or a glass of cold sweet tea.

I hope that the approaching month of March finds all of you well and happy and looking forward to getting out and about with family and friends.

Until I blog again stay safe, happy and well and keep blogging.

See you later,




FEBRUARY 20, 2016

This is Saturday and I am sitting here writing on my blog page today.  It seems to be a normal day so far.  Nothing out of the ordinary happening that seems to be so unusual to get my attention.

The weather today is unbelievably warm though to be the last week of February.  I am certainly not complaining as I love the warm weather over the cold any time.

I need to go shopping today so I can pick up groceries and other household supplies.  I am looking outside as I sit here and write this morning and I notice how green and lovely the lawn looks.  It will not be long until everybody in my neighborhood will be rolling out their lawmowers for another summer season of yard mowing and the landscaping companies here will be very busy trying to make the owners of new homes happy with their selection of trees, flowers and shrubbery.

Yes, business will be picking up during the upcoming summer months that will be approaching us again.  None to soon for me as I have been looking forward to the warm days ahead of me.  I am anxious to plant a few more rose bushes in the front and back yards.  I know I won’t be the only one where I live on this street looking forward to improving the looks of their front yards.  My little granddaughter told me just last night that she is looking forward to having time off from scchool during the last week of March for her spring break.

I cannot believe that the kids will be enjoying another Spring Break again soon either.  I bet the college kids will be anxious to get to the beaches in Florida for Spring Break again. I am sure all of us who had the opportunity to go to college have fond memories of our Spring Breaks, especially on the beaches where it was fun to be.  Playing volleyball and swimming and surfing the waves.

Well I am getting ready to go shopping and pick up the neccessities that I have wrote down on my shopping list.  Now to get out the door and get going.  Until then everybody keep blogging and stay happy and healthy and safe.

See you soon,





FEBRUARY 15, 2016

It is Monday, the day after Valentine’s Day and it has been very quiet for me.  I got up this morning and had my breakfast which consisted of a waffle and a cup of my favorite moccha latte coffee.

After this I sat down at my computer and logged into my Word Press site and started reading several other posts on different sites.  This is what I love to do when I first wake up each morning.  I enjoy reading all the posts on as many sites as I can visit in one morning.

Sometimes I do this all day long.  It is so interesting to read what other people write about in their lives.  I love the pictures that they put up for everyone to see and to read about all the places that they have visited and the pictures that show the land and the cities that they have been to.

I also like reading about the history of the cities in different countries that the  bloggers have traveled through.  Although I don’t have the money to travel I have a chance to see the pictures and to actually wonder what it would be like to go where these people have been. To see how the people live in these countries and to see how what kind of jobs they work at.

I will continue to keep visiting as many sites as I can on the Word Press site and to follow as many blogs as I can each and every day.  Until then keep blogging and stay happy and healthy out there everybody.

See you soon,





Yes, here it is Valentine’s Day.  What a wonderful time of the year for everybody who are in love. Just think of all the chocolate candy and the flowers and cards that are being sent by special delivery today.  I hope that all of you are on the receiving end of some special gift from your sweetheart today.

All the newly wed couples will be enjoying this day to the fullest I am sure.  I know that I love being remembered on Valentine’s Day by my sweetheart.  There are so many gifts that people can give to one another on Valentine’s Day.  Gift certificates to spend a day at the spa, tickets to the opera, a sports game, a weekend get away at a bed and breakfast.

But whatever the choice is in the way of a gift for your special one I am sure that you will be very appreciated once they receive the gift from you. Valentine’s Day is also a day for couples to get engaged or married. I told my son who was married on Valentine’s Day that it would always be easy to remember his wedding anniversary and he wouldn’t have to be afraid that he would forget it.

I have always wondered what the most unusual kind of Valentine’s Day gift to give somebody would be.  If anybody stops by my website today and reads my blog post I hope that some of you will comment on what kind of gifts that you have received and have thought to be unique and unusual.

Until I blog again I wish everyone out there today a very Special Valentine’s Day and enjoy it to the fullest with your loved ones.

Keep blogging everybody,

See you soon,
