Well, another week has ended and a new one with begin tomorrow. It has for me to realize that this is already January the 11th of a new year for all of us. I hope that this year so far has brought what each of you has been hoping for since last year. It has been a peaceful quiet day around my neighborhood. Nothing unusual has happened. My little granddaughter and her best friend spent the day together. They got along very well today, no quarreling amongst them over toys or movies or games. We had planned on having a sleep over here tonight but the plans changed so my granddaughters’ little friend had to go back home which was only next door.
She is upset a little bit but she will adjust to the rest of the evening as she always does. She misses her daddy as he has left for the weekend. He will be back on Sunday evening. She is being very quiet right now but I believe it is because she got up early today even though it is Saturday. She likes to stay up late on Friday night but she always goes to sleep by ten o’clock no matter how long she tries to stay awake.
I am looking forward to spring and I hope it comes early this year. I like the weather when it is warm and not cold. I am looking forward to planting my flowers out front by my windows. I don’t have planter boxes attached to my windows but I am thinking about having them this year. I think they will look lovely with all kinds of vines and colorful flowers. Yes I definitely think that is what I will do this year to change the look of my front yard. I don’t believe I will plant a flower garden as the person who mows the lawn might not like having to go the extra mile to mow around the area where my flowers are growing.
My friend has a flower garden and she has a fence around hers. It is quite lovely in the spring and the summer when the flowers bloom in their full glory. Has anyone seen any good movies lately? Has anyone found a book that they feel is a good read? If so kindly drop me the information on my blog site by leaving a comment about what you have seen at the movies or what you have read lately. I do appreciate you stopping by my blog and reading my posts. I am trying to follow as many blogs as I can each day. It is hard to keep up as I am finding so many interesting blogs everyday. I look forward to visiting each one and reading the posts. All of the posts I have read I have found exciting and very interesting.
I need to check my emails and get some errands done before night falls here. I will blog again later and until then everyone keep blogging.
See you soon,

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